Tuesday, July 14, 2009

How to determine daily caloric requirement

determining your caloric intake is figuring out how many calories your body will need to function and fuel yourself throughout the day.

an estimate for teens who are active about 5 days a week-
teenage boys: 2, 500-3, 000
teenage girls: 1,800- 2, 200
intensely active teens may need more

factors that effect your caloric intake include: your gender, body size- weight and height, age, activity level, etc. All of these traits are important when finding your caloric intake because every body is different. Based off of these traits of your body, you can determine the exact amount of calories you should have daily to tend to your bodies needs.

posted by Kendra Hauser


  1. Grammer error: First sentence i think is not correct. Should be "Determining your caloric intake is figuring out how MANY calories your body will need to function throughout the day.

    I would take out the "and fuel" part because it is confusing.

  2. I agree with lauren, the fuel part however. Should be, "Determining you caloric intake is figuring out how many calories your body will need to function and fuel yourself throughout the day."
